Re: Frequency therapy -- finding the right frequency!
I had another question, with so many frequencies how does one know which one to choose without loosing time?
In the above post, I listed a link to the holistic dentist's site. He stated that he was able to find frequency by using a pendulum. When he lived in the Appalachian Mtns he was able to use this technique and found it effective. I had used a pendulum when I was a child, as a play tool and had forgotten about it. (I had also seen men divine for water using rods in their hands and it worked 80% of the time.) Considering this, the theory was plausible for finding the right frequencies, even though I was somewhat skeptical.
Last night, I tested the pendulum theory. My chiropractor is allowing me to use her laser machine on the weekend with various frequencies that can be programmed in. I pulled out the frequency guide and held a chain with a small object on it over the various frequencies. It was very obvious which ones to pick because the pendulum/necklace made circular or swinging movements only over certain frequenices. I tested it several times by averting my eyes and moving my hand around to make sure that I wasn't influencing the results in any way, and each time it came out the same! I programmed in the frequencies and got far better "hits" with the
parasites than I had previously without using this method (using my intuition or guessing).
This saved me a lot of time and I plan on using this forgotten method. So, those of you who don't have a synchrometer to get a WOBBLE (now I know what that means, thanks to the above explanation), you can try the pendulum over a chart. It really works!!
Onward to better health and healing!