Frequency therapy
This is a comment from a holistic dentist about Dr. Sutherland from another site and 4 important requirements:
Many of you have written to ask, "How, exactly, do you find the correct frequency? How do you check yourself for pathogens (germs)? What instrument did you buy? How long before I see results?"
Noted cancer researcher, Dr. Jeff Sutherland, has done extensive work in this area. I refer to his work often because there is no reason for you, or any of us to reinvent the wheel. He has already done it for us.
Which Instrument I Used
Dr. Sutherland states you can achieve results with all sorts of instruments, AS LONG AS YOU REMEMBER THESE FOUR CRUCIAL REQUIREMENTS:
* You need the exact frequency,
* for the exact organism(s),
* for the correct amount of time,
* directed at the correct target.
Skip any of those four and you will not succeed (except by chance) regardless of the instrument you are using- or how much you have paid for it.
I have a Rife/Bare plasma tube unit and an FScan-2 pad unit. I bought the RB unit first ($3,600), and was dissatisfied with my results. So I bought an FScan-2 ($3,900) and was again dissatisfied with the results.
That's when I realized the problem was not with Rife technology; it was because of my ignorance and inexperience! Once I made this leap, I discovered I could obtain great results with either one. Any well constructed unit will work.