Re: Question for Parazapper & Challenge:
>- Please explain to me Total Body Zapping.
Background: As I have continually posted and tried to explain, zapping historically has had extreme limitations imposed on it. These limitations were not from any intention to reduce its effectiveness but mostly imposed for either convenience, financial reasons, or lack of understanding. These limitations vary widely and encompass such things as the use of antistatic wrist straps, small copper rings, chips with insufficient output drive, poor choice of frequency, and the lack of proper instruction. In our ongoing research, I have seriously evaluated everything about zappers that is expected and that which is considered basic to the concept as well as to what the possibilities are. By pointing out flaws in current zapper technology and use, I have been called almost every thing in the book, even a heretic. This does not matter, the name calling mostly comes from people who have nothing else to back up their claims.
The basic problem is that zapping has not produced as good of results as some other protocols have claimed in the past because of the limitations that I have pointed out. Dr.Beck comments on the need for a minimum level of field intensity in order to eliminate the pathogens from any area of the body. This is true no matter whether the blood electrifier, the magnetic pulser, or the zapper is used. If the minimum field strength required is applied to any particular organ or fluid, then that organ or fluid is going to be cleaned of its parasites, plain and simple.
Some of the reasons that zapping fails to achieve that in many cases are listed above. Others will be discussed below. Using the Beck protocols involves the Blood Electrifier, the Magnetic Pulser, and the CS generator which are 3 individually powerful devices for removing the pathogenic and parasitic invaders from our body. The Blood Electrifier and the magnetic pulse generator both support my claims that low frequencies penetrate the body better. There is no doubt about it, if the BBBE were operated at 30 kHz, it would probably be far less effective than a zapper as it is directed to the blood in the arteries but most of the signal would be shunted across the area by the bodies capacitance. The BBBE works by literally concentration all of its power into a very small area of the body through which 99.99 percent of the bodies blood is recirculated during a period of a couple of hours. This allows the killing of the
parasites that are in that part of the blood that passed through this part of the body. Not all blood is circulating however, some of it is retained or pooled in areas such as the spleen. Also, the BBBE does not reach
parasites that are present in the lymphatic system, retained in various organs, or those retained within the interstitial fluids of the body. So this is where the MP or magnetic pulser has to be used. Each and every organ that may be hiding
parasites must be pulsed, including the extremities. This seems simple enough but this is still not enough to finish the job. CS of proper strength and quality must be taken daily to impede fresh growth of parasites, especially to reduce the effects of newly replicated viri. In certain cases, this requires a strong buildup of silver in the body. The only problem is that all of this together rarely completely removes HIV, Herpes, or Hep-C from the body despite claims to the contrary. The sad fact is that the DNA / RNA of these viri can remain dormant inside of host cells for months or even years. This DNA / RNA is immune to all of these methods. Yes, viral loads can be reduced to completely undetectable levels and can remain there for a long time. This does not mean that it is gone.
So the use of these three devices may appear to be more effective than zapping alone and who can argue with that? But that does not mean that a properly designed and used zapper can not achieve the same results. After all, the BBBE is only a higher voltage zapper with a lower frequency. To accomplish the goal of developing a zapper that can successfully eliminate HIV, HEP-C, HEP-B, etc from the body, the parameters mentioned earlier must be addressed. The right frequency or frequencies must be selected, the right chip for driving must be used, and the best electrodes must be found and applied.
As for the importance of frequency, the 30 kHz zapper does reach into the body though as it kills cold and flu viruses, sometimes even intestinal flu. This is basically because these particular viri are very fragile. Their outer casings are easily fractured. If the outer case of a virus is destroyed, it looses its mechanism for invading a host cell and therefore its only means of reproduction. The susceptibility of any organism to zapping depends greatly on that particular organisms fragility. Some have a cell wall or membrane which makes them very fragile. Others such as Candida appear to be very immune to the applied electrical impulses. This is one of the main differences between the cells of the human body and those of parasites, the structure of the cells in humans lacks the cell wall or membrane of many lower organisms.
One reason that 2500 Hz appears to be effective is that it is near one of the basic Rife frequencies 2489 Hz. Looking at the Rife Frequency charts shows a number of organisms are susceptible to this frequency and also to 2128 and 2170 Hz. I can not find anywhere in the Rife frequency chart where 30 kHz is even considered. This is not to say that 30 kHz does not work, as I stated above, it does work in some cases. But there are better frequencies for colds and flu as well as for other parasites. The most important improvement that can be made in zapping is to throw away the old 30 kHz standard. As far as I can see, this number has no real basis and needs to be discarded. The high frequency of the zapper should be 2489, 2128, or 2170 Hz. The zapper should have a second lower frequency that I have not yet decided on but we do have some test units in the field. We actually have zappers in the field with 10, 12, and 16 frequencies to help us determine which will be the most effective. This may actually be the end result, a zapper with several frequencies, a la the Delux but without the programming keys.
Having the proper electrodes is as important as the frequencies used in zapping. Regardless of the frequency selected, if it is not properly delivered the the areas of the body where it is needed, the electrical signal is wasted. Early on when I first started with zappers, I thought that D.C's Terminator was the best thing since sliced bread. After trying it, I found that the 2 major problems were the very things that made it attractive, the penny electrodes which were too small and too close together. This effectively reduced its range of effectiveness. Sure, it worked and is still well liked, but this was a major limitation. After extensive testing with a number of wrist straps and other electrodes with a small contact area, it became obvious. Size matters when it comes to electrodes. It is not actually the electrode size but the amount of skin contact area that really matters. Skin resistance is not a fixed factor but is a function of a number of other factors. Ideally, in order to achieve the maximum result from zapping, the skin resistance needs to be as low as possible, hopfully less than 1 k ohm which is extremely difficult to achieve. If the skin resistance is 1 k ohm and the zapper output resistor is 1 k ohm then the voltage across the body is a half of the output voltage or approximately 4.5 volts and the current through the body is 9v/2000ohms or 4.5 ma. This is acceptable but not likely with any small electrode such as a wrist band. Also, this is not going to happen unless the conductivity is given a little help. For maximum results, a minimum of 8 to 10 square
inches of contact is required and the use of a salt water wetting solution is required to get a resistance this low.
So, having determined a good frequency to use, in combination with creating conditions that provide good conductivity across the skin shows as an improvement to the zapper but this still is not going to direct the electrical signal into specific areas of the body as can be done with the magnetic pulser, so what needs to be done? The worst problem with zapping is that it ignores most of the body, basically sending the signal in one arm, across the shoulders, and out the other arm. More than 70 percent of the body is missed by the standard usage of the zapper. Even if one of the electrodes is placed over the abdomen, the signal does not easily reach into the internal organs. The solution to this problem is to ensure that the entire body is zapped and the only way to accomplish this is to force the electrical signal through all of the bodies extremities in such a way that it has to travel through the internal organs as it courses through the body. This is accomplished by placing electrodes in both hands and on both feet with one hand positive and both feet positive. The other hand is the return or ground electrode. The legs, the torso, the chest, and the arms are successfully zapped and the results are notably better but we are not done.
There is more to this but I can not post the details at this time. It should be sufficient to say that the objective is to totally permeate the body with a frequency or frequencies that work well and at a level that ensures that all organs and parasites will be reached.
>- I do not SELL anything health or medical related period. I am in no way connected with any company or product line, unlike you, PERIOD.
Unlike you, I am involved in the sale of a product but I have the control and power to change that product at any time that I wish. I am not in any way limited in this respect. I do this for one reason: I saw a need for a better zapper. If I felt that I needed to, I would have a CS generator on the market within a few weeks. The same is true for the magnetic pulser, the blood electrifier, or any of many other products. Also, the same is true for the zapper, if it did not work I would not sell it. If I did not have reason to, I would not say that it was better and this is not just marketing hype. I have designed a number of products over the years and I am not done yet. In my opinion, the zapper has not reached its limit by any means and I do intend to move it a lot further. If anything comes along that convinces me that the zapper does not have a use, bye bye zapper. I do not have to rely on it. I have over 20 unpromoted consumer products along with a number of technical products, any of which could easily make a real profit which the zapper does not. Money is not my motivation, never has been. If nothing else, I do this mostly for fun and to help those in need. Otherwise, I have over 30 web sites including 2 small search engines, a line of thermostats, and a lots of other neat stuff.
Also, I have a couple of Blood Electrifiers, CS generators, several frequency generators ( just bought 2 more last week), oscilloscopes, video microscopes, a SMT assembly machine, a pretty decent machine shop, and lots of other toys. These things are all great, but not absolutely necessary and certainly not needed by most people.
I do want to present just one question though and this is not meant in a negative context:
If the Beck protocol is as good as it is claimed to be, why don't any of the manufacturers, sellers, or promoters collect and publish user success statistics for various illnesses?