Re: OK but does the zapper really work?
I have used an Fscan II, a Class One Licensed Medical Device in Switzerland and Germany (thus confirmed effective, valid, and a MEDICAL DEVICE by these governments), and can personally testify (as can my personal medical records affirm) to it's effectiveness.
I can personally swear by electronic and electromedicine, from fighting some very difficult viruses (ongoing) successfully, to remaining free of debilitating lyme disease attacks to the knee joint, etc. etc.
You REALLY are playing with toys when you deal with zappers, and this general shotgun approach. If you are dealing with a SERIOUS condition, you will need serious equipment, or at the very least, in my opinion, an FG, or frequency generator. I am personally interested in the Beck devices still (currently expiramenting with an MPG5 at the moment, in addition to the Fsan II), as well as the ABPA, and plan on doing much more with all these devices in the coming months ahead. My journey into electromedicine has just really begun. I wouldn't be here without it.