Re: OK but does the zapper really work?
I've been using the Zapper (Super DeLuxe) over 15 months & don't see how anyone needing these cleanses can survive without it! When the wrigglers are creeping, crawling, & bucking (agitated), it "finishes" them off quickly (mercy killings), reduces or eliminates the pain, & gives you much needed relief, even allowing you to drift off to sleep (i prefer to relax in bed with the bands to arches of feet, using the Duration Zap mode for one hour, after gradually moving up to the maximum 16V). I'd have become seriously sleep-deprived without the Zapper, not to mention hostage to debilitating pain (also exacerbated by bad bacteria which the Zapper blitzes too). It's well worth the price (i've considered getting another, just in case!) & the only complication was some minor burning of the skin, initially, due to the "worm stages" embedded there being singed off (heals quickly, especially with aloe vera, & well worth the benefits). Dr. Clark says it can't reach deeply into the bowel to kill good bacteria; however, we all need probiotics anyway, so i just incorporate these into my diet as part of my daily nutrition. Hope this helps you decide.