21 y
zapper & parasites...YUCK!!
hello everyone , I am new on this forum.
I recently built my own zapper and I'm zapping daily 3 sessions 7min on and 20min off.
My sleep, my bowel movements and my skin seem to get improved by zapping. Anyway I noticed like a swollen gland under my right jaw.It hurts. I also have some aphtae ( like small wounds)into my mouth and even on my tongue.
What does that mean? Is that a sign of
parasites being disturbed by the zapping thing?
Yerterday I was lying on the bed and I suddenly felt something pulsating in my leg, near my ankle. It felt like a muscle contracting, but it wasn't a muscle. My husband said it had to be a nerve but I never had such feelings before, I felt just like having a living thing under my skin and I could see a bump too. I don't know...could it be a parasite? or am I quite suggestible? If any of you knows a way to bring those
parasites out to be seen please tell me, I cannot wait anymore!!!