i use a variety of oils
i use olive oil, virgin coconut oil/ safflower oil or sunflower oil, or sesame oil most basically for cooking.
actually i rarely use oils in cooking, but more lightly steam my food very low or add a dash of oil, after cooking or after water has gotten to a simmer temp.
this helps keep oils to stay in original structure without altering their compostion by heat.
other good oils are flaxseed oil and peanut oil, but i recently stopped using peanut oil for myself due to personal muscle testing said not good for me.
other than that , i alter the above oils to get diff flavors.
the sunflower oil has the lightest flavor..
ps NEVER use store bought vegetable oil/canola oil etc
or soy oils. i also don't use corn oil as a edible choice.
i also do not eat butters ie: nut or fruit butters, unless i make them myself.
have a nice one i will post when i get a bit more time:
apricot/pineapple 8)
if youdo buy dried fruits get unsulpherd and unsweetened.
many internet organic stores sell these product.
also if buying nuts /roasted i have found even in many so called
organic websites that they have been roasted in soy or canola oil
so CHECK! and if they don't say , don't buy 8)
i boughta bag of roasted sunflower seeds/ got them and they were roasted in soy 8( even tho said were organic.
you can easily rost nuts yourself, make your own salad croutons etc..(i made up a batch last night)
easy to make homemade granola bars about 20 minutes 8)
with good oils.. most store granolas use canola or soy oil.