Re: For The_Comeback_Kid
Y thank you Wellnessyoga.
OK, know that I got that out of the way, let me get ruff on ya. :) Remember how many many times I told you about the differences between the 3 minute and the 4hz? Sigh. ;D I know, I write alot and they get lengthy so I dont blame you for forgetting.
Let me put it like this...basically forget any other setting other than the 3 minute setting. Here we go, THE 3 MINUTE SETTING IS *THE* DOMINATE MOST BENEFICIAL SETTING AMONGST THE 6 AVAILABLE ON THE GODZILLA UNIT. Period. Oh no. Hold on. EXCLAMATION POINT. You following me cutie? In your post you mentioned you get "bored" with the 3 minute setting. Can I make a suggestion? Get bored. Get big wave bored! Use the 3 minute setting. This has been done over and over and over again. Many people own V's godzilla unit which is the most versatile made available I've seen. For those people that are making their own, many many are using direct current (DC) much longer than 3 minutes. Some up to 10 minutes. Once the 10 minutes..or in our case 3 minutes...comes then you will feel the direct current reverse the other way and go into negative territory on the waveform creating an AC alternate current wave. I'm weak in this area folks, so correct me anyone. You will then feel the shock if a high enough current is chosen/shown on the meter.
The shcok means nothing of real importance. Please go back to the very long dialogue we have had in the archives. We have spilled much ink together about the godzilla and why MANY chose to run it at a 3 minute polarity reversal.
Again, there are many many users that have used all kinds of different current reversal settings (you and I have 6 on V's design) and they MUCH prefer the longer DIRECT CURRENT before the polarity reverses.
I am using the 3 min .8 milliamp current setting as I type.
4hz? Not for me. Only when I need a break from the 3 min setting do I switch to the 4hz for some minutes..then go right back to the 3 minute! It is for wrist relief and to make sure I do not burn my wrist.
You like games wellnessyoga? Bored are ya? Let's play, shall we? See what can create a burn on your skin faster...the 4hz or the 3 minute setting. PLEASE, I'm kidding...don't do it. the answer is the 3 minute setting. If you can not feel the infectious itching and soon to ensue skin burning on the 3 minute setting...YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING *RIGHT*. Great, you are making sure you keep the current low enough. This is desirable. Per Bob Luhrs, V and many other experienced experimenters, we only need .3 to .5 milliamps. that's below the 1 mark on the display meter.
You do not have to feel shocks. This is not about shock therapy. I know you know that. ;)
Go to the 3 minute polarity reversal setting. Turn it up to max. I am doing this now. I'm sitting at 3.5 millamps now. Emmmm...doesn't fell good over here. Ouch...Q#$%@%^%^&$&^&
Dont do that. I just got pooped on. Worst shock I've ever had. Why? I didn't recognize that the polarity was about to reverse. You know when the polarity reverses, you feel the shock if it is over say .75 millamps. Wow, I just ripped the electrodes out of the zilla. Had to, that's the panic that happens when playing with unnecessarily high current. On the 3 minute setting, you may be able to use it at 2 millamps, but when the 3 minutes hits and the polarity WILL hurt.
I just learned a lesson real time. Embarrassing. Moral/lesson of the story? We ONLT need microcurrents applied to the surfice of the wrist/ankle arteries to electrify the blood. We do not need fast reversals (4 hz) or high current. Remember the forum name? It says it ALL.......MICRO-ELECTRICTY germ killer.
I like 3 minute reversal setting at a bit below 1 millamps for 30 minutes. then I turn the current to .5 ma and move to 4hz for 5 minutes, then back to 3 minute setting.
If you wanted to use a blood electrifier at only 4hz, I would have definetly suggested the beck device. It only has the 4hz. Great device!, but the godzilla has a few more settings (which many of us think are better). Go to the mico forum and ask what people would recommend of the 6 settings, then send me a pizza. :)
Sorry to be so ridiculous, just having fun. The shock from a 4 milliamp reversal wasn't fun though.
Good chatting with you.
Say hello to your grandma.