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For The_Comeback_Kid
wellnessyoga Views: 1,389
Published: 21 y

For The_Comeback_Kid

I finally got the used Godzilla from the yahoo member you had recommended to me! Thanks for pointing me in that direction! You saved me a lot of money, from what I can tell, the think is like new.
I have already used the coloidal silver maker, and have tried the Beck function on 4Hz. I am already familiar with these features, and they work very well.
Need your help with the not familiar. For reasons I can well imagine (liability/protection)there is hardly any explanation as to when to use the different Godzilla settings, and when to use the different Beck settings. Not in the package and not on V's web site.
All I can tell is that the 2sec Godzilla setting gives electric jolts less frequenly than the Beck setting, but more frequently than the 1.5min Godzilla setting or the 3mi. Godzilla setting. With the 3min setting nothing seems to happen for 3 long min, got bored with it, so settled for the 2sec setting. So when or for what purposes does one use one over the other? The Beck papers which I have read tell me nothing about the Godzilla settings, nor about the 1Hz vs. 2Hz vs. 4Hz. Beck settings.
Are there any links that would give me more info about application? Maybe you know some from personal experience that you would be willing to share?
The things I want to deal with are viruses (herpes), parasites, and possibly candida, in this order.
Thanks for all your help, and all the great work you do on this site!


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