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Hulda Clark Cleanses

4me2glow Views: 1,210
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 644,473



I did my SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) for the first time last night. I am now starting day 3. Well, I used 2 TSP of Sea Salt combined with a quart of warm water. I think I drank it down in about 5 to 10 minutes. At first, I thought I was going to vomit! I had to go lay down. I was sooo miserable for the first half hour. I began to feel better but I had this sensation that I had to go to the bathroom. WHen I went, it was yellow and runny. I guess that is what it is supposed to look like. It was really gentle. I didn't get any stomach cramps or anything. I felt great afterwards. I bet the key is drinking the drink relatively fast. I tried to act like it was broth but that didn't work. It just is plain disgusting but the benefits are worth it. I plan on doing one every night. Also, I am the type that doesn't use the bathroom a lot. I can go days with out a BM but that flush worked within the hour. I honestly didn't think it would take effect. The book says 2 TSP not TBS so you may be putting in too much salt. Just thought I would stick in my 2 cents.



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