I have a raw restaurant near me which is famous for something called a Banana Whip, which is really nothing more than frozen bananas, whipped in a blender or food processor. Absolutely delicious, tastes exactly like ice cream (yes really) and you can certainly add some coconut or strawberries or nuts or whatever, if you like. I swore off of dairy long ago for the reasons that Wrenn mentioned -the pus and the hormones and the Antibiotics . Not to mention the poor cows, condemned to a miserable life of being milked for years and years. Whenever my family eats ice cream now, I ask them, with a very serious and interested expression, if they can taste the pus yet.
They hate me.
Hehe. But the Whip is super yummy - try it! I peel the banana first, because it's pretty tough to peel it when it's hard as a rock.