Blueskyz, I started doing regular Liver Flushes using the Hulda Clark protocol. I think it is the best one for beginners. I don't necessarily agree that it is necessary to do all the cleanses prior to the flush, unless there are obvious symptoms.
I'll post my E-mail on this and if you want to see the flush I do now, I'll send it to you.
For the parasite cleanse I used raw pumpkin seeds, garlic and cayenne supplements and Black-Walnut hulls. My doctor did some muscle teting for parasites and did not see any indication I had any, but after reading so many of the post here, I thought I'd do a simple one. I can't afford a pre-packaged program right now, so I did some research and used what I had. Since I had been using everything but the walnut hulls for a long time, may be why I didn't test positive for parasites.