It seemed straightforward enough until I read too much info. I am absolutely DISGUSTED to discover that I have parasites. Espen H's article "My Experience with Lemonade Fast" (above link) is full of contradictory info. He also does veggie juices, supplements, and this grapefruit/flaxseed thing, plus clarkia.
I have the laxative tea and sea salt. What about B & Ps (and what are they), and the Clarkia? With? Before? After? Skip either or both?
The cayenne red pepper is for?????
Anyone else do veggie juicing along with the lemonade?
What about this cottage cheese/flaxseed oil mix? It's solid food and Burroughs says "nay" on that
Liver flush? After? Skip it?
Gallstones flush? After? Skip it?
And do the liver and gallstones flushing also encompass the parasite (clarkia, B&Ps) or is "parasite flush" a THIRD thing?
Thanks very much - I'd like to strike a balance between overdoing it and making this endeavor pointless....