Re: individual's philosophical folly-INFALLIBLE.
The name "Christianity" means (in an actual non-partisan or generic sense) "Christ follower" and the term was first used in the book of Acts, before the use of the term "Christian", the apostles and disciples of Jesus belonged to "THE WAY" (I don't know if this is the reason for mention in John 14:6 "I am the way,..."). God is INTEGRAL and the correct interpretation of scripture is based on realizing it's consistency, so, "the WAY" also means "Christ follower". Scripture can often be seen as being symbolic of true reality (the water that flowed from Christ's side along with His blood could be understood as symbolic of the tears that His true followers should shed for those who suffer the consequences of our "high living"). Christianity is not a sports team or "goodliness institution" and it's members (my brethren IN THE FAITH) should have always been careful not to portray it in such a manner (God is generic and non-partisan). God is the origin (CREATOR) of everything, NOT the CAUSE. In Isaiah 45:7 King James Version, GOD Himself says that He CREATES evil by bringing everything thought innocent to the light, God is light (and every absolute must have an opposite), but He doesn't CAUSE it, we do (bad news for everyone who rather blame their misgivings on satan or "OTHER" people). He is the creator of natural man (man as comes from nature, which also comes from God). The reason that true God worship is not called "Godianity" is that God had reason to send His Son in order to RETRIEVE (rescue) us from our fallen ways that would keep us from returning to Him in His place of perfection (heaven) and our faith is now distinguished from the OLD testament way of worship by specifying "Christ". His Son's name is Jesus CHRIST (Christ follower-Christian), not "Jesus bible", "Jesus pastor", "Jesus scholar and commentaries" or even "Jesus BODY" (yes, the true body of Christ are my BRETHREN IN THE FAITH, but they did not create the earth and probably very few would die on a cross for me, reason for distinction?). God constructed scripture so that it CAN be understood as an instruction book ( or figurative "schematic diagram") on how to be a Christian so that the INSINCERE worldly Christians would have a "strong delusion" and not be able to postpone salvation in order to plan a life of evil, they enjoy knowing God as "Master/overseer" because all they can understand is what is in their heart, but I enjoy seeing Him as FATHER, and if I err in anything and HE decides that I should recieve correction (what father constantly picks on his children after they learn to make their own decisions?), then I will welcome that correction as loving attention, instead of think of it as CHASTISEMENT (I reach for His touch, unlike Adam in Michael Angelo's painting in the Sistine Chapel). The truly sincere and genuinely righteous will be able to understand the SECRETS of God because they live them by treating their fellow human being RIGHTEOUSLY (but the truly righteous must break out of the "Christian Box" by developing eyes to see and ears to hear). It takes courage to truly have faith that God is LOVE and to understand that love is not simply an emotion, it is a SENTIMENT, it causes results (not consequences, GOOD results). An emotion is only a category of human physiology, but the SENTIMENT of caring about the welfare of your fellow human being is what God is all about. Many "cookie cutter" Christians can only understand that there are TYPES of love (agape, philos, eros and storge are types of love RELATIONSHIPS) because they'd rather be like the Pharisees with their fame of knowledge and their pretense of being an "officer of God" (status). As far as I understand (from speaking to a missionary), Christianity is the only belief where the creator sends his son in order to retrieve the people so that they can return to him (that's love).