Cali Lady & Riki Tiki
When you take things out of context, such as scripture, it can bend things to relay your own personal biases. Case in point is how you two seem to want very much to turn off debate poiting to rules that do not even exist. Of course when Riki Tiki conveniently leaves out a very important part of the forum description and tries to feign that rules are being broken in this forum because debates must be inside some christian box (and a specific brandname of christianity), then it is very misleading.
Here is the important message that you chose to ignore (not sure why as it is at the very top of the forum description).
"This debate forum is designated for debate based on bringing valid arguments against certain views and valid arguments pro certain views and opinions based on Bible, Christianity, Christian beliefs, Science, Evolution ..."
Kind of changes the persepctive huh???
Now as far as Cali Lady's interpretation of karma and it not being a christian topic, I beg to differ. There are certain christian sects that
DO believe in the concept of karma. Again we have a your brand/their brand christianity thing going on here.
Suggestion, if the material presented to either of you is too much to offer up an opposing view, like the saying goes, if its too hot in the kitchen.....
Stating half truths such or leaving out
Forum Rules that you don't agree with, isn't flying. Nice try though. It seems some will try anything to stop the embarassment of having their belief systems dismantled and shown for nonsense.
Although up til now it has been pretty one sided, let the debate continue within the
FULL scope of the rules. *wink*