The English bible contains many errors, it takes much study to learn and understand the Hebrew and Greek text. I will also say there is nothing more important. Either we serve God w/ His Word & it is important enough to dedicate this time and energy or we serve self. I do not believe the Word of God is in error, it is the translations & ommissions that are wrong.
The bible is not open to private interpretations
(2Pe 1:20 KJV) Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
The English bible contains many errors, it takes much study to learn and understand the Hebrew and Greek text. I will also say there is nothing more important. Either we serve God w/ His Word & is important enough to dedicate this time and energy or we serve self. I do not believe the Word of God is in error, it is the mistranslations that are wrong.