Catholicism - a few questions. (Honest! No cheaps shots or nothing.)
Hey all! This is a post for the Catholics out there!
I'm an anglican christian living in Australia and have considerable less exposure to Catholicism than elsewhere.
I understand Catholicism holds other documents other than the bible in divine esteem. I was wondering when and by whom these documents were created. Basically I'm wondering how you justify their reliability as historical documents.
Also, how are the Catholic perceptions of Mary, Saints (as in the patron saints being held in greater esteem than other men) and the Pope in alliance with the second of the ten commandmants?:
Exodus 20:4-5 : You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them and worship them; for I, the Lord your God am a jealous God, ...
To me this seems to be violated by bowing/kissing/praying to Mary, the Saints or the Pope - no???
Why is it the Pope has the sole authority of intepretation of the biblical texts? Where does Jesus command us to acknowledge a man's perception of the scriptures as being accurate? If the Pope's perceptions are in line with Jesus', why have a pope?
I honestly mean no ridicule in these questions, I am genuinely curious.
P.S. Just to be perfectly clear! I don't think Catholics aren't Christian or anything! It's just that I can't see how Jesus' teaching relate to many of your practices.