Unconditional love isn't what I see in the Bible. Forgiveness isn't granted unconditionally by Jesus for those that murdered Him on the cross...He didn't forgive them without requiring repentance. Love is the same way...we can be loving but we can't shirk our call. Jesus calls us to love others as we love ourselves. That means if I desire to have a defeatist relationship with my Lord, then I will love that way with others. That isn't what He wants of me. He wants me to want to be yielded to righteousness and conformed from flesh working in my life to Spirit reigning supreme. That is how we are to love those around us. Love isn't a license to accept folks where they are and leave them wallowing in the mire "in the name of Jesus". Only when one realizes and acts on that truth, will faith result in works pleasing to the Lord. Should we remove those verses I shared from the Bible because they are a high calling?