"the generation of God within"
The Amanita muscaria mushroom can be found at the roots of most of the religious writings our planet has to offer. Yet you will find within these pages very little in way of endorsement of any particular religion. However, please bear with me when I interject my own philosophical opinions. Remember, I admit openly that I certainly do not know everything. This is the result of a serious study of the doctrinal/scriptural substance of each of the presented religions, and an exploration into the hidden symbology and meanings within them. The discovery that, although the Sacramental substance is unquestionably present, the organizations themselves have obscured the knowledge of it, was an enigma. That is, until the political nature at the roots of religion itself had been uncovered. Today's religions do not answer this important question. They explain it away as purely symbolic, or of no importance. Religion has polluted itself by denying its own source, and by removing the individual's ability to experience the effects produced by the substance that imparts Gnosis (the joining together of the consciousness with the consciousness of the Divine). By the removal of this key knowledge, religions themselves become lies; especially when the same systems inspired by Entheogens condemn their usage.
In today's society it has become taboo to present the expansion of consciousness by the use of any kinds of drugs/plants in a positive light. Such is the case when one discusses government or religion (or any other societal norm) in a negative light. While I have nothing positive to say about heroin, highly refined Coca (coke, crack), or amphetamines (crank), I feel that a blanket assessment of all drugs as being dirty is not only unfair, but a classic case of dis-information.
Drugs, in the psychedelic category, are commonly referred to these days (by those in the know) as "Entheogens", meaning simply; "the generation of God within"; for the experiencer, "the realization of God within ones own consciousness".
The facts are that there are many plants that have been known to expand consciousness, increase awareness of self, and initiate one into the nature of spirituality. Thousands of PhD. professors all over the world (in fields such as botany, ethnobotany, entheobotany, archaeology, anthropology, philology, philosophy, psychology, as well as a plethora of other inter-related fields) have written thousands of books/papers on the investigation and study of psychedelic plants. These writings have dealt with the use of such substances by spiritual practitioners in most every religion formed on the planet. Most people are out of the loop in knowing about any of this. Throughout history, each tribe/culture has looked for leadership and insight to the local Holy-man, or otherwise known as the Shaman, Healer, Priest, Mage, Sage, Yogi, Magician. The insight these leaders possessed was largely due to their experience and understanding of pharmacopoeia (use of plants) and the insight offered by the use of these things. "Pharmacopoeia" is the root of our English "pharmacy" or "pharmacist", and has been also translated as "witchcraft". Different tribes and peoples used different Entheogens, largely determined by local availability. The social power, respect, reverence, and authority held by the "pharmacopoeia-practicing" native shaman was/is a major problem for government and religion. It is the wanton jealousy for the power and control, held by these natives, which in turn, inspired the campaign to demonize and dis-repute Shamanism and pharmacopoeia as something of the devil. The Spanish (Catholic) inquisition and witch hunts (the murdering of over eight million people, tried as witches, and the stealing of their land and other propertiesdone in the name of God by the Church-government up until the 19th century) were prime examples of this. Also related to this church jealousy and greed is the matter of an estimated twenty million indigenous Central Americans murdered (exterminated), bringing about the near extinction of the Aztec/Inca/Mayan peoples, and the all-to-similar fate of indigenous North Americans ("American Indians"). The underlying agenda is the repression of the knowledge of Entheogenic plants that, if it succeeded, would insure the people's loyalty to established religion in all matters pertaining to God, primarily due to the inability of experiencing God for oneself. Since government and religion are the controllers of the world, an independent Shaman/Priest/Mage/Magician/Prophet is a threat to their power.
The sacramental use of Entheogens has only come into a bad/dirty light recently. This is largely due to the lumping together of any and all substances used by people (whether used for spiritual or recreation purposes) and then classifying them as "bad" (for you), "evil", "vile", and/or "dirty". This prohibition is the propaganda of the inept, corrupt, and oppressive (monetary based) war on drugs. In realty, despite the incredible amount of evidence that humanity's origins of spirituality are inseparably linked to Entheogens, governmental prohibition continues to rob each individual of their human right to directly access and understand the nature of spirituality through the traditional and ancient means provided by mother earth.
People who follow the government's lead in this field, without researching the subject on an individual basis, are usually quick to jump to conclusions and condemn things they really know nothing about. Unfortunately, there are many people who have not researched this subject and believe that anything the government says must be true, yet they have absolutely no personal experience or real understanding about the subject other than the government/media-released propaganda and dis-information geared to create their agenda-based opinion; an opinion really based on ignorance.
The agenda of the propaganda-pushers is not only sad but actually quite sickening because of the way it tends to lead the mindless masses of sheep right down the road to foolishness, causing them to become the unknowing pushers of the very same oppressive dis-information and propaganda which imprisons them, whilst believing the whole time that they are being right, proper, clean purveyors of the truth. As you will see, this subject is absolutely a matter of religious practice, and as such, it must be protected by Constitutional rights.
As Timothy Leary put it so well, "Psychedelics often produce psychotic and even violent behavior in those that have never used them".
The simple reality is that plant Entheogens are spiritual in nature.
I prefer "Just say know" to the oppressive fascist propaganda "Just say no"
One more thing before we get going...
Its the use of heroin, crack, and crank that the government throws on the table to cause panic in the minds of people (claiming ignorance to the efficatious properties of Entheogens), that has allowed them to erode the Constitution away into a now historical document, by passing unbelievable laws all under the guise of stopping the use of drugs and saving our precious children from the "vile drug-pusher", while all along it's been the O.S.S. and then the C.I.A. in bed with the Mafia and local government officials that bring the highly addictive drugs (Heroin/Cocaine/Crack), that destroy peoples lives, into the Country, and then distribute them locally. If you don't think this could be true, then take a look at this:
The CIA/OSS and the "War on Drugs"
You have heard the official state position on this, how could you miss it unless you were a hermit or just not paying attention. Then again media may still influence you even though you aren't paying attention.
Now look at the documented evidence.
Perhaps our favorite free-thinkers and musicians, by taking certain plants, and smoking certain herbs (also with a long religious history) should be praised for the insight and understanding they have received in life through these things, not be condemned and thought of as dirty for their use of the same. Of course, Heroin problems are very dangerous and damaging, and I am not talking about that. Besides, it is the highly addictive properties of these drugs that are exactly what make the Mafia/C.I.A./Government wet their lips from excitement (due to huge profits involved), not caring what damage they do to people. Also the natural plant Entheogens are not a hot commodity for them, partly because they actually make you think, which is one of the things those agenda-driven, power & money-hungry monsters would prefer you didn't do.