Re: STD Vaccine? (Yuck)
Hi guys,
I'm afraid that I'm going to have to disagree with you on this issue. The reports that I've read show this vaccne to have a 90% success rate, which is truly very good. The side-effects reported are very few, mainly a headache and I think pain at the injection site for a short time. The Human Papilloma Virus is responsible for warts - there are four common varieties of this virus which cause cervical warts, genital warts and normal warts and verrucas; this vaccine offers protection against all four. HPV is very, very, strongly implicated in the development of cervical cancer, killing over 3,000 women a year. To me, giving the vaccine before girls become sexually active makes a lot of sense - you can extend the greatest amount of protection to the greatest number of women.
To the poster who mentioned thalidomide - yes, this was a tragedy of massive proportions. However, the number of safety checks and balances that drugs and vaccines have to go through - some as a result of the tragedy, more added on since - is astonishing. This is now why so many drugs cost so much. It now costs approx £500M to bring a new drug to market. Drug companies spend a lot of money on making sure their drugs are safe - at the end of the day, an unsafe drug will cost them £500M
Please, please, please - don't just dismiss this vaccine out of hand. It is right and proper to keep an eye on it's progress - as the FDA and MCA will be doing as well, but vaccines should neither be accepted or dismissed without reviewing the evidence.
Regards and good health to all,