22 y
Re: 10 DAY MC Completed, 1st DAY OFF - 2 Questions
Rule of thumb when fasting...take half the number of days you spent fasting to return to your normal diet. Start with juices, then broth...gradually work your way up to more solid food...steamed veggies, salads, etc.
It's too bad that you didn't incorporate the colon and
parasite cleanse during the MC...this is known as the Ultimate Fast. You can still do both simultaneously... but the scheduling of shakes and
parasite herbs gets a little more tricky when you are eating. But since you haven't been taking in solids...don't add the shakes's too much work for your digestive system since it has been in resting mode during the fast.
Start the shakes once you've gotten back to solid foods. not increase the shakes by one a day unless you are eliminating well as you make the increase. Most people need more time for their body to adjust to the fiber increase. It may take several weeks for you to reach the maximum number of shakes a day.
The length of time for the cleanse varies from person to person...let your body be the judge. When you've seen improvements in your colon functioning and stopped or greatly reduced the elimination of mucoid can stop the cleanse.