I have done 20 flushes and never taken the ornithine. Only on one or two occasions have I had an interrupted night's sleep and that could have been due to anything eg. peri-menopausal symptoms. I always use extra-virgin cold pressed olive oil from the supermarket. The only time I tried anything else - a "light" variety - I threw up the next morning. I have since gone back to the extra-virgin cold pressed and been fine. As for the time schedule, I think it's the two hourly intervals that are important. I have done 7pm, 9pm and 11pm and even later and have had good results. Yes, the e.s. will induce diarrhea. I usually expect to need to go at least three times before going to bed. Sometimes I have to get up and go once more after having gone to bed.
So, good luck and don't panic. Nobody seems to have identical experiences.