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Re: EVERYONE PLEASE READ: A few questions I need to know :)
Me_Fil Views: 1,659
Published: 22 y
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Re: EVERYONE PLEASE READ: A few questions I need to know :)

1. The only gallstone attack I have ever had in the middle of the night (2am) was the first and the worst. It actually started as a stomachache after dinner, then back ache as well, then woke me up in agony at 2am or so. Since then I've only had mini attacks during day or evening - sometimes after a fatty meal but could even be after a juice or even tea with milk. There is no pattern to mine. Drinking warm water with Epsom Salts helps, so does flushing.

2. No idea on this one but I've just completed a 3 week Epsom Salt Bowel Cleanse of 1 tspn a day and have knocked out my taste buds and have a permanent salty taste - whether that's the Epsom Salts or my body detoxing, I have no idea. Some people say Epsom Salts irritate the bowel. Just stop after tonight and see what happens.

3. No idea

4. Low fat diets cause Gallstones - that's how I caused mine. Your body needs fats. If you don't give it fat, the liver produces extra thinking the body is not going to get enough cholesterol for its needs and stores it, hence the stones form. Supply it with good fats and it's happy.

Well that's all I know! Happy flushing!


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