My troubles started when I began drinking about 1pint to 11/2 pints of carrot and apple juice a day. I don't know whether it started all the rubbish in my liver moving but after about 6 months of juicing I became really ill and it is only after a year of Liver Flushing that I am getting better. I have done 13 flushes and for the past two or three weeks have been trying to fit in another flush which I am going to do tomorrow because the symptoms are returning stronger each day. I can now go about 2 months between flushes before it all starts up again. I will be interested to see what is expelled. I don't like doing the flushes now because of the Epsom Salts but it is also because I am no longer desperate. Even though the symptoms come back I am still 100% better than when I started. I could never understand why the juicing seemed to 'start me off' as I had no problems at all until I started it, so I am very interested in your posts.