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Re: 9 Days on Paragone and still Nothing/Keep at it
Omie Views: 2,973
Published: 22 y
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Re: 9 Days on Paragone and still Nothing/Keep at it

Hi Gozel, All parasites are not visible to the naked eye but, if you see something that looks like rice in your stool, bingo, parasites that you can see. Like you, I didn't know what to look for when I started the paragone. I'd get my flashlight and shine it on the poop and wonder what the flecks of color were, why is that string there, that looks like cob webs, little white/transparent filaments sticking out from the stool, what is that stripe of color, it doesn't match it's surroundings, etc,etc. The only food I know of that you can identify in the toilet is whole kernel corn. Everything else is turned into a brownish stool of peanut butter consistency. To find out how long your food takes from eating to elimination, eat some corn and check the time. When it comes out, check the time again. Mine was taking 24 hours. Haven't checked it lately. BTW I am on day 15 of the cleanse and still seeing strange stuff. Boy, did I ever need this cleanse. Don't give up, it's worth the small inconvience. Omie


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