i am learning too 8) this helps me ..
i just read it is best if you cleanse a non water soluble crystal
under water to hold it point down and visualise all the negativity running out of it 8)
another suggestion i saw was putting a crystal in a glass container and covering it with sage 8).. that this takes longer that earth bury but was just as effective.
i have been busy today myself cleansing some new babies 8)
esp one/ that (i'm sure you can relate..) almost made me pass out just openign the box.. the energy surge was incredible..
i had to stop every few seconds just unwrapping it .. !
but it is fine/ and very happy to be here *)
i cleansed it up and programed it and took it in to meet my others and esp my *lonely crystal * is somuch happier..
it has 2 new friends touching it !! and i saw rainbows in it today 8) that i have not seen before 8)
another sidenote.. my daughter and i have gotten soem good work done to day.. i think the extra enery boosts are helping 8)
sh eis up to about 28 on her spider count now .. of recluse spiders! .
we have practiced throwing old potatoes in the garbage can /
i made mine in one shot yeah !! *smile *
been a good day.. hope yours is too 8)