caryy personal stones inside the red...
wha tyou mighthav ebeen picking up on wwas otehr folks vibes or preprogramed vibes the crystal
i had one i had bought thru mail and the minute i opene dit i felt a really babd vibe... really bad...
i immedaietle set it down...
well i stuck it in a window for about a week getting lots of good sun... and then let cold water run over it too..
when i went backto hold it ther e was no negative attah ment s ot it at all/
and in face it is a incredible cystal now.. beustiful littel rainbows in it/ lots of little windows..
and evne my son found on it a very small rectangular facet on ti that i had missed !
i ahve nto yet spent tiem with it in depth// but i knwo now..
it was not the crystal it self .. it was soem othe rconnection...
remember tons of people have held these and etc yo uknwo wha ti amean 8)
Be Happy
Ami Joi Benton