Isn't opening up the higher chakras, before you have your lower chakras in balance dangerous....I've thought maybe the best thing to do when tuning in with crystals with higher vibrations is to hold or wear some hematite- but then again using the crystals with higher resonance in conjunction with those of the lower chakras, can help to amplify there effects maybe?
I think I am scared because when I went to glastonbury and tried some moldavite, I was in shock for 2 weeks- never felt so sick and frightened in my life- very very spaced. Thats the point I was making about absorbing peoples negative energy- especially in glastonbury where you have soem dark dark people there.
Hmmmm, but I still feel the phantom quartz calling me today, feeling like I really need it. One of my probblems is that when I tune into these higher crystals I feel new dimensions and powers coming on, and that scares me in a way...that in some way I won't be in control and that my false self will use them incorrectly. Thats what I dislike, when I tune in for the first time- it's like think of the power I've got in my hands, rather than think of this power I can use to help people.
Still so young and so much to learn!
Thankyou for the follow ups, lapis, frank and tracey- appreciate it.
PS- I'm going to leave the crystal for a week- if its still there next saturday- then it's meant to be!