considering your shopping trip
red / teh color red will not allow other vibrations to pass thruto you..
might i suggest yougo back, wearing soem good red and take a look at it again.? it may jstu be that wha tyou where experienceing
was also the accumulated vibratiosn fro m all the onter peopel and cystals in the room..
hol ditin your hand and focus only on it.. look deeply into it..
it will tell you .. if it was meant for you...
when you wear red.. it wills top other vibratiosn around yo u..
when youwwwear red/ youneed ot wear your own peronal stones under it to be close toyour body / not outside..
youwill make a clearer judgement in this manner caus eyou will be holding it / in your body and seein g into it also..
then if it is still callin gyou .. youwill wan tto immediate ly cleanse it when youget home and reprogram it for your self. *8)
then sleep with i tand keep it near youalot to crete a bond..
Ami Joi Benton