Re: Thought she was the one!!!
This girl is emotionally a high maintenance female. She is also quite self centered and uses her feelings as her frame of reference.If you 'make' her feel good,then she loves you.If you do some thing which displeases her then you are a baddie.Really immature and childlike!
She is quite cunning too.She apparently disowns the 'bad' part of herself and will set others up to 'take the rap'.
For example, instead of breaking up with some guy by just saying so, she has an affair, makes sure that she gets found out and gets dumped -her boyfriend is now the heavy -and was maneuvered into doing the tough stuff.
Here is the main point-even after a short relationship, you found it neccessary to post this all on a help forum rather that sort it out face to face.I see that as a sign that you know( at some level) that you and she cannot successfully resolve these issue that you wrote about.
I have been married to someone just like this and they are always difficult to engage in an open and clear discussion.
You never really know what is going on and eventually you start to feel like you are standing on shifting sand. These 'women' see relationships as an emotional indulgence for them.To them a relationship is one long date.. They regard you as the provider of good feelings for them and if you fail you are held reponsible and blamed,sometimes silently.
They are pretty and sexy and ooze affection,but beware, living with them is like living with a coiled cobra.