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to 19236
finallyfaith Views: 4,752
Published: 19 y
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to 19236

2tuff posted many, many articles by "brother" eric and spoke lovingly and supportively of eric's beliefs and attitudes on more than one occasion. as i suspected you never even read the posts. if you look at the hidden posts that the Webmaster posted you will see a post of mine in response titled "the moral and cultural superiority of the white race"?. that post was a direct confrontation of the overt racism of eric and 2tuff. 2tuff was confronted on more than once occasion about his racism and never responded, he just kept posting more racist material.

you have been defending someone whose posts you never even read, whats up with that? i read them and know exactly what kind of things he was posting.

who are you anyway? your posting history goes back about 2 weeks and 95% of it is defending a bunch of posts by 2tuff you apparently never even read. or so you claim.

you need to let this issue go. there are plenty of forums here, and i hope you put yourself to service in one or more of them. or not, either way is fine with me.

of course 2tuff has a lot of good qualities that could be put to wonderful healing purposes. and i hope he does so. but first he needs to stop encouraging hate and fear among the races. and you should stop pretending he never did.




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