blatant falsehood
i have supported 2tuff because of the info he has that no one else seems to. i personally have no views on race for i see no difference in people of any stripe.
the votes back then were "did you find this post HELPFUL", and not the current carte blanche agreement. there were things i did find i agreed with, like the disdain shown for bob jones university. and, i honestly didnt read ALL of many of these posts. in fact i was wondering where all of the white supremecy stuff was coming from regarding 2tuff. now i know. still no reason to boot him, imho.
i dare anyone to find a racist comment i have made. you saying i support racism is utterly absurd. that it exists is a no brainer. i would rather have intel on the enemies of freedom than walk around in the dark. and i would rather have someone spew venom than have anyone say who can and who cannot speak.
you will probably hide this message like the last few i have made. otherwise, it will be hard to keep these appearances of yours.
thank you