The fact is, the young lady in question was looking for information and advice - she was clearly not looking for an argument. No one in their right mind would encourage her thoughts and whims, and would indeed be wise to convince her of the dangers; but this is support (i.e. relevant information, advice and suggestion, in this case warning her of the dangers and explaining thoroughly) and not debate. Regardless of whether or not a few disagree with the notion of a Breatharian support forum, it is none of their concern! A massive amount of nonsense and belligerent propaganda can be read daily by so-called "respected" CureZone members, yet this is allowed to stay...whatever happened to freedom of speech and the individual's choice of which path(s) to investigate?
If there is a debate forum there must be a support forum. Should someone enter into debate in the related support forum then their post can be removed and instead entered into debate - I was under the impression this was the way CureZone worked.