19 y
Re: Why is there a breatharian forum???
I also have some bad feelings about a breatharian forum, especially as a support forum. While I know there are several websites devoted to this practice, and the man who calls himself MH seems to promote the philosophy, I do not believe there is enough evidence that this is a practice that needs to be encouraged or supported. Even the fasting forums are potentially dangerous for people who come on with little or no knowledge or experience and proceed to try an extended fast. For someone who is very impressionable or gullible attempting to simply stop eating and drinking and live on air is dangerous and potentially deadly. The only good thing is most people's bodies have enough innate wisdom that they cannot continue very long.
While I support the idea of free speech and sharing of ideas, I feel this forum should not exist. Are there even any genuine breatharians out there who could monitor the forum and answer questions intelligently?
I have no problem with breatharian blogs or even having this subject as a debate forum. However, I feel it is irresponsible for Curezone to give the impression it supports breatharianism as a form of alternative health.