no need apologise
I was not *offended*
neither *scolding you*
(that was your choice to view it in that context)
I was merely offering you a different viewpoint.
I would greatly suggest to you to do some serious readings in
the blog titled " Resonances - A vibrational collection*
by Lapis
Below is a link to one of the messages there.
there are many Excellent videos there and audio interviews as well,
with a wide variety of persons,
that you might find usefull
in understanding and becomming aware ,
that every thing you are experiencing,
you have created.
and it is only by recognising this and altering mind thoughts,
that you can then recreate a different cycle for yourself...
to break the current one you are in.
I hope this is of help to you .
with Love,
Ami Joi Benton