pjangel...it's OK...REALLY!!! :-)
pjangel...Don't give this little incident another thought. REALLY!!! :-) I just clicked to read "all" your posts...and found that you haven't been around curezone
very long.
Curezone is a wonderful place, just packed full of priceless information. However,
a lot of garbage has creeped in and curezone is getting more and more garbage all
the time. It doesn't take much to ruffle some people's feathers. And it doesn't
take a rocket scientist to realize any of the above. :-)
Several posters have been given the title 'moderator'. They can hide a post, delete
a post, etc. They DO have the authority to do some things that the average poster
cannot do. I was told I could be one myself a couple of years ago when I started
two forums on my own. But I didn't have any need to be a moderator. I wasn't
here to oversee curezone. I just wanted to be able to post when I had time...or
help someone if I could, that I didn't feel was getting the help they needed.
I would check into curezone first thing in the morning...usually again up in the
day, if I had time...and again late evening.
Just because you see some usernames more than others...does not mean that person
is an authority on anything...me included.
If you ever wonder about a 'poster'...whether or not they have credibility, etc.
Just click on the link at the top of any post that will take you to all of the
messages they have posted. And just read some of them. That will quickly tell you
if they are here to play "God". OR if they are actually here to help others and
give good sound advice to the best of their ability.
My main concern is not that you posted something and felt you 'messed up'. I've
done that very thing myself...and I've been here for a couple of years or so.
But my real worry is that you posted on another forum because you felt you had a
problem you needed help with and you didn't feel you were given a good sound
answer. And knowing the forum you were talking about...I can understand. That
forum is run by someone who I really feel KNOWS natural healing like the back of
their hand, but I used to see things all the time on that forum that sent up red
flags. So I just don't go there anymore.
When I read a post by someone who recommends zippers and zappers and things that
go bump in the night, my first thought is, "OK!!! The light's on...but nobody is
HOME! :-) So I'm out of there.
Many really good posters left curezone a few months ago because of a lot of garbage.
I left myself. But couldn't resist reading every morning to see what kinds of
problems were being posted. I'm a really early riser..I like to get up about
4 or 4:30...and I used to spend a couple of hours on curezone, each morning...answering questions...or just trying to 'lift someone up with encouraging words'. But it just got to where no matter what you said or did...It was contradicted by posters who didn't know their head from a hole in the ground and it
just got to be too much hassle. I just recently started posting again, because
I just didn't feel like a lot of people were getting good answers or good sound
advice. I'm not a doctor...I have no degree in anything...but I have studied
natural healing since the late 1970's...and I feel pretty confident in any advice
I give. (Unless it pertains to MEEEEEEEEEE :-)and then my brain scrambles just like
everyone else's does...and I can't think straight...I go looking for the 'quick
fix' like everyone else...nowing there isn't one...but wanting one just the same)
I hope some of this makes you feel better pj...you did nothing wrong WHATSOEVER!!!
I hope you continue to read and post on curezone. And whatever your problem was
that you posted on the other forum that started all of this mess...I hope you will
post it again...post on "Ask curezone #5..if you want to post your question again. I may not have an answer...but I'll do my best to help you find one.
And if it's totally beyond me...I'll say so...in the kindest christian way. :-)
Have a great day and a better tomorrow!
And there's no better exercise for your heart than bending down to lift others up!