Once again, Thanks for the wisdom. I do have the Apricot baby oil which I used last night. We have purchased all the baby products, as well as a few for ourselves. I know that avoiding the steroid creams all together is the best option, although without them the results are very slow. This is our first fight against a breakout without the steroid creams and the progress is very slow. I do realize in thinking back all of these weeks, that we have just been repeating the same cycle. After using the steriods for two days the skin looked so much better and we stopped, just to have another flare up the following week. I believe this is why so many resort to continued use of the those creams. It is never easy to see the skin in these conditions, but it is vital to finally let this run its course without suppressing it again.
We are very determined to break this cycle for good!!!! The "quick fix" is not an option for us anymore. Thanks again for all your support. I will keep you posted as to our progress over the next few weeks. I feel as if we have gained so much wisdom which will enable us to conquer this beast!!