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Re: Symptoms worsen after flush
LaurenK Views: 1,495
Published: 22 y
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Re: Symptoms worsen after flush

It's very interesting you see your message about allergy symptoms worsening.. I just did my first cleanse last week, and got out about the same amount of stuff that you reported. But I got a couple of other effects, too.. I DEVELOPED sinus-type allergy symptoms - lots of sneezing, itchy nose, and itchy, watery, puffy eyes. I've NEVER had such symptoms before. Also, I got a really bad yeast infection..

I have a theory about what's happened.. I think it wasn't the olive oil/lemon juice, but the Epsom Salts . Those Epsom Salts seemed for a while like it was giving me a bladder infection, which went away, and also messed up my intestines.. I have much more gas now. I think that because it's so alkaline, they changed the pH of my body, and it caused yeast overgrowth.. I think it's yeast overgrowth in my sinuses, which perhaps cause the allergy-like symptoms. My suggestion to you would be to do what I'm doing (and what Spirit suggested..) treat the yeast problem with probiotics, organic yogurt, etc.

I don't think I can tolerate the Epsom Salts again, but I do want to do the flush.. I'm wondering if it's ok to do the flush without the epsom salts...

Hope you feel better,


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