Could be 4 possible problems:
#1 candida overgrowth
#2 larger stone(s) at the wrong position inside bile ducts
#3 you keep consuming foods you are not suppose to (ie foods with
preservatives ,
Antibiotics , processed foods, refined salt, refined sugar, coffee, ....)
#4 any other factor, psychological, familly problems, love problems, ...
Or any combination of #1,#2, #3 and #4 and some other problems that we are not aware of ...
To treat the Problem #1:
Get grapefruit seed extract tincture (extracted by glycerol) and use up to 30 drops a day
+ get probiotics, make home made yogurt, and consume it every day
+ eliminate all
preservatives and
Antibiotics from your diet
+ grapefruit seed extract tincture can be used with enema
+ yogurt can be added into enema water
To treat the Problem #2: Repeat the flush the next day, no need to wait
Problem #3: improve your diet, increase consumption of unprocessed and unrefined foods and drink more clean water
All those solutions does not exclude each other, can be combined.
If one of them doesn't help, another one will.