Why the headache? Advice please
Thank you
daizy, I got that book you recommended--Feelings buried alive never die. I read the entire thing. it was very good and thanks for telling me about it. I've also used the script but again I became overwhelmed with reactions--some emotional and some physical. How normal is this? At first I used the script several times in one day for several different things. After that I figured I better only do one thing at a time in order to slow/ or have more control over my reactions. On Saturday I did use the script for some feelings/emotions I had as soon as I woke up. by mid morning I was feeling really shaky and very "alert" or over-stimulated like I drank 6 cups of coffee or something. I had more muscle tension and my stomach or intestines were cramping. I couldn't sit still all day. Sunday was the same but not as bad. today I feel ok I guess.
I wouldn't bug you but your the only one I ever heard stress detox, detox, detox. Is this just "emotional detox" or can using the script also cause "physical detox" like Reiki? Let me explain a little. I had taken anti-depressants for yrs and became very sick when I went off them. Had a severe withdrawal which lasted very long. Ever since then when I try any kind of detox program (trying to get my health back) I get this severe kind of reaction. Usually the worse is the over-stimulation or mania like feelings with muscle tension and pain.
I know you read this book and are probably familiar how it affected you personally. So in your opinion, could using this script cause the physical body to try and rid toxins from the body or it is possible the reaction I experienced was just "emotional issues/feelings healing?" I"m getting really confused and kinda discouraged.