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LiveBetterServeJesus Views: 1,923
Published: 22 y
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The Master-Cleanse did wonders for me.
Click on the SHOW ALL MESSAGES POSTED BY LiveBetterServeJesus above for my 58 Day Journey.

I tried the vitamin route and healthy food for several months but progress was SUPER SLOW! (And it didn't stop my cravings for unhealthy food.)
The Master-Cleanse cleared alot out of me much faster than anything else I ever tried.

Yes, the Master-Cleanse is not for everyone.
The candida and allergy issues (to lemons, maple syrup and cayenne) apply to some people.
In the beginning of the fast, it can be hard to tell if you are having a reaction to one of the ingredients or you have so many toxins in your system, the die-off is severe.
Some first-timer fasters won't get through 10 days. That person's body has probably never experienced this before so it might fight back. But it's OK. They can try a mono-fast (one type of fruit), B&Ps, a liver flush, a parasite cleanse and then in a few months, try the MC again (with less severe die-off).
I also think you have to mentally prepare before diving into any program from which you want life-changing results.
If you enter this (or any cleansing method) with the attitude "I don't believe this will work", well guess what... It won't work. Especially if you don't follow the directions.
Yes, there are variations of the MC recipe that some people try that work for some people. But getting too far away from the original recipe might not get you the results you want.

I hope you find the cleanse your body might not be the MC right now, but who knows...
Maybe in a year, you might be writing a letter like this one to another disgruntled MCer.


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