Like I listed in my 58 Day Journey:
I am 36. I am a 5'8" female.
I weighed 192 before I started the
Master-Cleanse and lost 40 pounds.
I am still losing weight, though much slower than while on the MC.
If you really want to know, my dad was a farmer, accountant and preacher before he died of sudden-onset diabetes at the age of 56 (8 years ago). He did eat some healthy things but was overweight from too much meat and white flour (he and his father ranched cattle).
If you are implying that I will profit from others doing the MC, I would like to know how. I don't know anyone in the lemon, maple syrup or cayenne business or anyone running this website.
Oh, I just thought of some...
If more people will switch to organic food, more farmers will produce it and the price will come down (lower grocery bill for me).
If more people become healthier :
my health insurance will be cheaper.
this country would be more productive with fewer sickdays used.
perhaps tobacco farmers will switch to a healthy crop (organic?)
perhaps the lives of children lost to cancers (mostly from unhealthy diet) wouldn't be lost so their brainpower would think up a better way for us to get around efficiently (without using oil).
So I guess I am being selfish to help others heal themselves.
I want a better world...don't you?
Since we're all stuck here until our deaths or Christ's return, shouldn't we make the best of the best lives we can for as long as we can...helping others.
I really think you should consider at least one liver flush. You might have too much hormones and emotions raging through you. You sound a bit hostile toward anyone else trying to get healthy.
I'll pray you find a healthy cleanse that works for you.