Ten NEAT treatments did zero for me, been there done that. :-)
I am working at liver flushing. I can't believe I did 59 flushes unloading close to 3 solid
quarts of stones and debries with no health improvement to be felt just yet.
Andreas Moritz here at curezone (
Ask Andreas Forum ) said that chronic conditions cannot be cured until the liver has been completely cleared of all toxic debries. I have flush #60 coming up shortly. I am flushing weekly now because now that there is room in my poor little liver, stuff moves down the exit ducts more quickly as it bunches up in the larger ducts. I get about 30 little pea size stones now-a-days and masses of yellow chaff, floating yellow fluff and yellow granules that sink to the bottom.
I am putting my hope in a stone free clean liver and supplements.
Candida Forum and Lyme Forum and this one I think it all comes down to the same thing: a severely congested liver that is unable to handle a massive toxic overload basically from life style and environmlent and corrupt medicine.
Good luck everyone, Giz.