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Re: My Battle, Education & Success With CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME
Bill Pilgrim Views: 4,763
Published: 21 y
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Re: My Battle, Education & Success With CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME

Hello Jeffery.
Like yourself I have been fighting CFS/Fibromyalgia for many years. I am 70 years old this year (Dec 7)and began to notice all the problems starting during 1956. I have been treated like a Psychotic person on a number of occasions by "Medical professionals", but I use that term loosely.
Only a few months ago I was referred to a "Specialist". He requested that I book into a private hospital for some reason. Saw me for about 10 mins in hospital, ordered a couple of blood tests and an X-ray.
Saw me the next morning and said you don't have any problems with your health. You don't have any breathing problems. Take 3 x 25mg Latcargal daily ( That may not be exactly correct spelling) and get lots of exercise, you are depressed.
I told him he didn'tr know what he was talking about and booked myself out of hospital.
I was then admitted to a large Public Hospital The Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane. A young female Doctor then proceeded to do some checking and testing. The outcome is, now it is known for a certainty with test results to prove it all. I have Asthma I have been having blood clots in my lungs for some time - Two x-rays - one with a radio active gas and the other with a radio active liquid superimposed on one another and they can immediately tell about the blood clots
There are many "Well Educated Idiots" in our communities. They apparently have a good memory and can pass exams, but they don't have the intelligence to "Doctor adequately", but they still rip people off and needlessly risk their lives.
I believe that because my clinical nots gave the message that I had been diagnosed as having CFS/Fibromyalgia, that "Person" ade up his mind that I was delusional or some such thing. I am trying to decide should I write ti him or not.
I have not taken in all your letter yet, but am interested in reading it in detail, to learn what I can.
If you feel like sending any messages direct, my email address is
Regards from Bill Pilgrim Queensland Australia


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