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Lapis Views: 4,824
Published: 21 y
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Total Load

The thing to be thinking is "total load". This is an environmental medicine term which means that the body has a capacity to handle a certain amount of toxins/stressors before it signals to you that it has reached its reactive threshhold. This threshhold varies between different people depending on their level of health and other individual variances such as environment, history, genetic disposition, etc. Once this threshhold is reached and overtaken then symptoms occur. These symptoms can range in intensity and type also depending on bioindividuality.

So then, things that can affect this total load are parasites/fungus, enivornmental factors such as toxins(pesticides, plastic, inks, solvents, etc), electromagentic pollution, Sleep cycles, emotional stress, etc.

I would suggest you read some of Sherry Rogers books to get a better understanding and thus the importance of this "total load" paradigm.

Detoxify or Die, Wellness Against All Odds, Tired or Toxic, and The E.I. Syndrome are a good starting place for newcommers to this paradigm.

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