I think she overeated about the movie. but when a spouse is upset, no matter what the resen, just make her feel what she needs to feel to get things better, you sholdnt have told her not to threten you unless it's a constant problem, and sholdnt have trown water in her face.
In aruments you neet to counteract her strong emotions with clear, logicle thinking. always anticiapte how she will react to what and what reactions she want to see in you.
If she is ignoring you calls try meeting up with her in person, just a surprise drop in, but just so she doesnt shoo you away imidiatly and call the cops have an expensive looking present in you hand she she will feel guilty is she doesnt give you a chance to speak. but if she had sex with that other guy drop her like a hot rock and move on, because she will most likely go out and fool around every other time you two are on the outs if she gets in the habbit.