Hello, this is my first post to this msg forum, simply because I never felt the need to ever be posting my problems about my relationship on a msg board. But I am very very upset, I'm actually crying as I write this to you.... I am a 20 yr male, and I have been dating the same girl for the past 2 years. I fell completely in love with her, and could not imagine being without her. We had wonderful times together, and I miss her so so much. About 2 weeks ago, we started having many problems, fighting constantly, always arguing about something, and just walking out on each other, or telling the other to just leave once the argument got too severe. We ended up breaking up over it, but we still kept in contact. Over this time that we were apart, she was seeing her Ex-Boyfriend before me, who she also dated for 2 years, and eventually left him for me. Just last night, we agreed to meet up, and go out to dinner. During dinner, we were discussing what we had been doing during the time we were apart, and one of the things that I had done, was go to the movies with one of my guy friends, to see Kill Bill, the very next day after we broke up. She was getting very upset as I was telling her this, because the movies was always our special place, we both loved to go, and we went there constantly, and she could not beleive that I went to the movies the very next day after we broke up. I was trying to explain to her, that it didn't mean that I don't care about her, but she wouldn't listen, after me trying to tell her this for quite some time, she said if I don't shut up, she would throw her water in my face.... I replied with "Don't threaten me, I'll throw this right back in your face" She infact did throw her water in my face right after that, and I threw mine right back in her face, got up, and walked out. she came running outside after me, and told me she would make me walk home. I was pleading with her to not do this, and telling her how much I love her and how sorry I am, but she wouldn't listen, she threatened to call the cops on me if I didn't leave her alone, she got in her car, and left me there... I had my friend come get me, and I've been crying constantly ever since. I've called her numorous times, but she's not picking up her phone. I've left tons of messages telling her how much I love her and I want her back, and I miss her. But she hasn't called back yet, I know she's with her ex-boyfriend. And I'm very afraid that she is going to just forget all about me, and start again with him... I'm still crying as I'm writing this.. :( I need help from somebody, anybody, I don't know what to do....I'm so upset, pleast somebody give me some advice...