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Re: Pregnant...eczema driving me crazy
itchygirl Views: 2,843
Published: 21 y
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Re: Pregnant...eczema driving me crazy

Congrats on the pregnancy! I know that during a pregnancy, I don't want to use a lot of stuff externally or internally that might hurt the baby, so I have been taking a mild approach. There is a lot of good advice on this forum, and I have changed the soap I use to bathe my first child and myself (Kiss My Face Pure Olive-Oil Soap), my shampoo (Pantene - doesn't seem to bug my eczema) and adding a B-complex to my prenatals and Evening Primrose Oil ((Royal Brittany, 1300 mg daily) supplementation. I also use Eucerin lotion and/or creme on the rash after washing.

I am 5 months pregnant now and my rash has stopped cracking, but the dry skin and threat of recurrence is still there if I forget my supplements. Perhaps part of the recovery is due to the above changes - perhaps part is my body getting used to the hormones that help one get and stay pregnant. Most people feel better in the second trimester.

Be sure to talk with your doctor about supplementation and/or find a ob/gyn who knows something about vitamins and herbal supplements. I was taking EPO before I was pregnant and while breastfeeding my first child and have taken prenatals for the past few years.

I also exercise (usually daily). I always feel better after a short run or a long walk. My eczema feels better too. My rash is on my hands right now and the weather is dry and cold here right now - so I put lotion on my hands and cover them with gloves before I go out. Be sure to clear the exercise with your ob/gyn too. Your body will probably tell you to tone your exercise down and your ob/gyn will keep an eye on you to make sure the amount of exercise isn't taking away your baby's growth and health.

Let me know if you have any questions about the above. I hope you find a responsive ob/gyn and I'd love to hear any solutions you discover to make your eczema lessen.

I hope your pregnancy goes smoothly.


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