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Re: Pregnant...eczema driving me crazy
itchygirl Views: 3,029
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 5,849

Re: Pregnant...eczema driving me crazy

I agree about the poor kids and babies who have to deal with it. I've had this for most of my life and my poor mother also took a lot of guff from doctors. (This was in the 1970s in a small town before docs considered external and internal irritants as a cause. We went through lots of cremes and other external remedies.)

Your message made me smile when you mentioned the Baby Magic irriation. My baby's soap from Johnson and Johnson irritated my eczema, so I switched to the liquid body wash. No luck... so finally we are using the olive oil soap from Kiss My Face. Great stuff and I can bathe him without gloves. I also agree about the antibacterial stuff. They are real irritants for me.

Good luck on the oils from the co-op. It will be interesting to hear if they work.

Thanks again for your help. Good luck with the fight.


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