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Re: Personal Account
Hi, md
I am well aware of what HPV is, having direct experience of it at a pre-cancerous stage. At that time (being at a much different state) I choose to have surgery to deal with the problem. I have not experienced negative effect in this area since. I attribute this to becoming more responsible over time for my own life and problems. I have since (after my first child) born two more children naturally with success and am due to deliver a fourth child at home this fall, despite a 'compromised' cervix. Hogwash! Put faith back in the body and it will return to its healthful state.
It is interesting you mention correlation to EPV which I have also been shown to have at some point. I found this out when I discovered I had hypothyroidism, some time after my HPV experience. Shortly after my 'specialist' did not seem interested to find the root cause of these problems, when she could not answer the questions I was asking, I began my own search in earnest. My experience may also show that no illness is 'isolated'. If one shows up on diagnostic testing, we can be assured there are many more imbalances present.
I have experienced considerable improvement in health and energy, despite choosing not to follow the conventional allopathic route, and anticipate this increasing as I am able to continue being active with it.
To say that vaccines are preventative is a difference in idealogy as well. It is a tenet of allopathic medicine, not recognizing the true reasons and functions that viruses perform. My previous post may have mixed viruses and bacteria: they do have different functions. Underlying though, they are attracted to activate the immune system to respond to imbalances in the body. To approach this natural response with substances (vaccines) that actually kill it is in essence deadening the bodies' natural wisdom and motivation to find solutions to its own problems (which it is very well capable of doing). That's not Prevention...that's annihilation of a natural function.
Again, we are talking apples and oranges here.
Remember, you are on an Alternative Health site forum where the motto is "Educating Not Medicating". The allopathic system so far encourages medicating. Enter at your own risk: you will be exposed to 'alternative' views of health that encourage folks to challenge what they have been told and find out for themselves. This is called self-responsibility as opposed to handing one's health over to others.
You say tomato...I say tah-mah-to. Best wishes to you,